
Hi! Today is really hot!!! Today I am going to talk about “best memory of July”.

My best memory of July is Girls Generation’s concert with my friend. I will talk about why that memory is the best.

First, I love Girls Generation. They are very cute and beautiful, so I want to go to there. When my father told me, I was very happy.

Second, our position is very good!! There were front stages. So I saw them in imminent. I and my friend are very happy.

Third, this time’s concert is very fun. They talked many things. For example, they imitated funny performer, what do they like in Japanese food. It was so fun!

This is my best memory of July. Thank you for reading and have a nice day!☆


Today I am going to talk about my favorite book!
This book’s name is “HOW TO BE POPULAR”. And I think this title is appreciate for this book. This is about school life.
I will talk about this book’s interesting scene. I think best interesting scene is when she found a “BOOK”. This “BOOK” is about how to be popular. Because from there her life is changed. So I think this scene is best interesting scene.

Thank you for reading. And sorry for today’s blog is really short. Have a nice day


Hi! Today is rainy day…

Today, I am going to talk about my opinion. Today’s topic is “Does manga is good or bad for everyone”. I think it is good.

 Now, I will talk about good point. I think manga has so many good points. First, manga is give many feelings. For example, if I read funny manga, I feel is like happy. And if I read impression manga, I feel is like sad and happy. So I think if we read many kind of manga, my heart becomes rich. And I think this point is can be only manga and book. Second, we can know what do character feels. It means if I read main character is think happy thing, I feel like happy. I think this is very important thing when we enjoy read to manga. But manga has bad point too. Manga is really funny or impression. But sometimes we want to more and more. It is bad for everyone. Because if we become like that, we can’t study and we can’t stop so spend a lot of money. But I think manga is good for everyone.

Thank you for reading and have a nice weekend




Today is really hot. So I am tried because of the summer heat.

Today, I will talk about this topic.

“If you were a parent, would you make your son or daughter learn another languages?”

I think this topic is important thing. Because if my son or daughter were

 learn Japanese, they will can speak only Japanese. But if my son or daughter were

learn English, they will can speak only English. This topic is difficult to decide. I think

it is depends on the time and place.

This is my opinion. Because if my son or daughter born in Japan, I think they will live

in Japan. So they should learn Japanese. But for example, if they born in America, I

 think they will live in America. So they should learn English.

But nowadays, I think Japanese are should learn English. Because if we can speak

English, we will can belong a good job. I think this is very lucky thing.

In conclusion, I think this topic is difficult to decide. Because we determined language

by where did we born, but nowadays, I think Japanese are should learn English.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day


Today, I am going to talk about…

Manga!!!! Yay!

Sorry, most of blog about manga… haha

So I will talk about my recommend manga!

My recommend manga’s name is “dadadadan!”. This manga is really good. This story is…

In some place, there were three boys. Their names are Shiro, Mina and Ryota. They are “dame-dansi”. This mean is like no-good boys. Shiro is kind to people. But he is doesn’t like girl. Mina is Okaku. He is not interested about girl. And Ryota is very handsome, but he hate girl. So they are “dame-dansi”. One day, they would meet the girl. And they are scared. And the girl is ask “May I help me?”. From there, they got involved.

It is about story. But I love this manga. This manga’s has two good points. First, this manga is really funny. This story is a little bit strange, but this is very funny. And this story’s characters are very funny. Second point is about story. Before I said, this manga is funny. But this story is a little bit sad. And if you read this book, you will cry.

In conclusion, this manga is reallllllllllllly good.

Have a nice day


Hi! Oh my god. Today is really really hot!

By the way, I have dog. So today, I will talk about my veryyyyyy cute dog.

My dog’s name is Cona. Why is she that name? Because my name is Moka. And mocha is coffee name. So I thought my dog’s name should be coffee name. Kona is coffee name. and I like Hawaii. Kona coffee is made in Hawaii. So I thought “Kona” is good name. she is very small. I love her very much.

Now, I am going to tell you about what does she like and doesn’t like. She like apples and sleeping. And she love playing. When I was play with her, she bring toy so many times! So after the playing, I fell like tired. And she is always sleeping! But she is so cute!

Have a nice day☆


Hi! Today is really hot day! Summer begins with little bit more! I can't wait!

By the way, I like to travel. And I think best country is Italy. I am going to tell you about Italy.

Italy has so many good place and food. I have been to Italy only one time. When I visited Italy with my family, it was very good time. I think Italy have two good points.

First good point is about food. Have you been eating Italian food? I like Italian food. So I think Italian food in Italy is very good and yummy. And when I was eating Italian food, I feel like happy.

And second point is about building. Italian building is very nice. Because it is very classical. I think most Italian building is built in a long time ago. So it is very fashionable. And Italy has so many famous buildings. Those are really nice. My favorite building is Colosseum. Because it is very big and dynamic.

This is my reasons. Also, when we went Italy, we stayed only about three days. So I want to go to Italy. If I can go to Italy, I want to stay there one week or more!

Have a nice day☆



This is my favorite comic. Synopsis is...
_____Teru's older brother is died when she little. The support of her only is mail with  "DAISY". She doesn't know him face. One day, She became his servant. Also, he is villainy man. However, he is "DAISY"______
This comic is really good. You should read this comic. 


I like Girls Generation!
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They are Girls Generation.
They are very cute!!!!
Especially,I like Yoona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is very cute!
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By the way,I like manga.
Especially,I like girls comics.
My recommend is chihayafuru!
It's really good!
The theme of this comic is "KARUTA".
The name of the heroine of this cartoon is Chihaya.
She reach the top of the playing cards.
The most important capability in a Karuta is hearing ability.
And, her ear is very good.
She has not "Karuta Queen".
But she will become "Karuta Queen".
Please read this manga everyone!!!!


                                   Self introduction

Hello. I'm Moga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WAS IN THE  JAPANESE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM GRADE 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LIKE GIRLS GENERATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM JAPANESE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!